KADAMAY stands in solidarity with the Wyeth Philippines Progressive Workers Union and all workers at Nestlé-Wyeth’s plant in Canlubang, Laguna in condemning the inhumane and illegal termination of over 100 employees. This morning of May 18, the management of Nestle-Wyeth blocked the entry of employees. This comes after the sudden announcement of the company’s termination of 125 rank-and-file workers, 14 supervisors, and one manager. Ten union officials were among those laid off.
Although the mass layoffs were only announced recently, the gradual harassment of plant workers began in March wherein changes in plant practices started occurring without notice or explanation, including operational reductions and schedule changes. The union repeatedly insisted on dialogue with the plant’s management but was not granted the opportunity.
Nestlé-Wyeth is just one of the massive multinational companies that benefit from the Filipino workforce’s labor and the low wages implemented in the country. And what do corporations give in return to the workers who create products that enrich the businessmen?
Unjust layoffs, widespread contractualization, while employees struggle with low wages and high prices. And all of this seems to be tolerated by the government in the form of their inaction and failure to respond to the grievances of the Filipino people.
This is no different from the experiences of the rest of the impoverished Filipinos who also face job insecurity and meager wages, coupled with a lack of social services such as public housing and medical assistance. What will the efforts and hard work amount to if workers are being laid off? If the wages are insufficient? If earnings remain stagnant while prices continue to rise?
KADAMAY stands in unity and strengthens the call to reinstate the illegally terminated employees of Wyeth-Nestle Philippines! KADAMAY stands with the Wyeth Philippines Progressive Workers Union! Uphold the Collective Bargaining Agreement! Respect the right to unionize! Stop the illegal terminations!